Gastric sleeve, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a type of weight-loss surgical treatment, where 75%-80% of your stomach is removed and reduced to one tenth of the original size. Then, the parts are stitched together in a tube shape, which is not bigger than a banana. Thus, the name ‘sleeve’ in the gastric sleeve surgery comes from this small and narrow sack or sleeve.
The concept is that the food intake reduces greatly due the small size of your stomach. This surgery also reduces the gastrointestinal hormones responsible for satiety. So, you don’t feel hungry easily and very little food can make you full. This is how it helps in weight loss.
How Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Works?
This is a one step surgery done laparoscopically. It means the surgeon will make small incisions in the upper abdomen and insert small instrument carrying camera, which will direct the images to the monitor. With the help of images, the surgeon will remove the ascertained portion of the stomach.
The surgery might take approximately one to two hours. You may have to stay in the recovery room for 1 to 3 days. Though the effectiveness of gastric sleeve surgery recovery time depends on the aftercare you take – lifestyle, diet and exercise. At BMI of Texas you can get personally tailored weight loss plan. They propose most cost-effective sleeve surgery in the competition with advanced technology.
When to Opt For Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Weight loss surgeries are done only after you have failed to lose weight by changing your diet and exercise routine and even after medication.
- You are eligible for this surgery if you have at least a body mass index (BMI) of 40.
- You can also qualify with BMI of 35, only if you have life threatening health problems or disease due to obesity, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease, high blood pressure, Obstructive sleep apnea, etc.
- If your weight and BMI are overwhelming, you may not be suitable for gastric bypass surgery. You can still go for a gastric sleeve procedure.
However, before going for a gastric sleeve surgery, you must commit yourself to a lifelong healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. Consult your doctor for the risks involved in the surgery and the recovery time before deciding to opt for the surgery. For the financial issue, check whether the insurance plans cover weight loss surgery.
Weight Loss
People generally lose 60% of their extra weight at the end of first year or two. Though the rate of weight loss is never the same with all individuals, this is an average estimate.
Eventually, weight loss can be effective only with proper diet and right exercise. Take help of professionals if needed. For instance, along with your medical follow up consult a dietitian and develop a healthy diet and exercise routine. To maintain the best effect of the surgery and to speed up the recovery time you need to follow up seriously.