We are grateful that you have reached out to us and taken an interest in having content published on WEBTOTALFITNESS.COM. We are the industry standard for health and wellness content, with over 400,000 unique visitors every month. We always welcome and respect high-quality work that complies with the standards for content submissions that are listed below.
Before you give us your topic or essay, we kindly ask that you peruse our website and carefully read the following instructions.
- Your article needs to be at least 500 words long.
- Your work must be unique (100 percent plagiarism-free), high quality, and give value to our viewers.
- You have the option of utilizing resources from outside the article to support the points presented within.
- You are required to provide at least one photo in the article, in addition to the featured image for your blog. The recommended dimension for the image is 600 by 400. It needs to be either completely original or used fairly, along with information about where it was found.
- We are familiar with backlinks and the reasoning that lies behind them. And while we are guardians of our own, we are willing to part with some of our “link juice” in return for high-quality material. We will tolerate no more than one hyperlink to your website or blog provided that it does not include promotional content.
- We may provide you with the opportunity to trade links with us in return for a single Do-Follow link on our website.
- The process of reviewing and publishing your work typically takes between four and eight days.
- After perusing our website, please provide us with three to five original topic suggestions that you believe would be of interest to the people we are trying to reach.
- One of the themes that you have proposed will be chosen for approval after being reviewed by our staff.
- You may not immediately distribute the content without first receiving topic clearance from our staff.
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